Friday, August 23, 2013

2013-07-14: Beestile Day

Satelite yard

2013-07-14 17.53.01 Bee Check

Goldenrod:  Some foragers had white or pale yellow pollen.  Top super (green one I originally put on) was very heavy.  Second super had lots of white wax and is being filled quickly (I had added it 8 days ago).  I decided that I would need to add another super to keep up with the bees and I was worried that they may become honey bound.2013-07-14 18.08.41 Bee Check

Hodgepodge: I finally got around to adding a real inner cover.  Didn’t do much else but check on the drone frame which was being drawn out but apparently filled with honey.

2013-07-14 18.12.39 Bee Check

Home Yard

Sage: Took a super off that only had patches of capped honey (I suspect that it had been stripped out when this hive swarmed (I assume it had swarmed since there are only so many hives in that yard and there were so many swarms) earlier in the year.  I would put this super into Goldenrod.

I moved the box I had put out to capture foragers from Swarm onto Blue.  I was surprised at just how many bees there were.  While some might be robbers there for the frames with some honey, I am still glad I took the time to capture them.

Back at Satellite yard

Goldenrod: I added the super from Sage.  I also swapped out 2 frames from the brood chamber with bare foundation to try to make sure that the hive would not become honey bound.  One of these frames had some brood so I added it to the Yellow Nuc to help build it up.  Again I was struck by how many bees were in Goldenrod.  I suspect that this is what the beekeeping books mean when they say that the hive should be ‘boiling’ with bees.

2013-07-14 19.46.14 Bee Check    2013-07-14 19.50.43 Bee Check

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