After the excitement of the swarm two days ago I wanted to check on the hive that had swarmed (Red) and the hive made from the swarm as well as check on the hives at the satellite yard.
Red: I removed a medium super from Red of drawn comb. There was no honey in it and with after swarming Red would be unlikely to produce a surplus, but I did leave the shallow super it had behind. I confirmed the presence of Queen cells in the hive.
Swarm: I added 4 undrawn frames to Swarm to make up for the fact that I had not had enough frames before to fill out the brood box properly. I stuck them in the middle while the proper method would be to one side, but that was where the gap was. They’ll live.
Purple(Aubergine?)&Sage: I checked quickly on these two hives and they had just a little honey in their supers.
Satellite Yard:
Goldenrod: Bearding. I added a second super (liberated from Red) as I had noted its super was almost filled previously.
Hodgepodge: Moved super into the middle. I figured that would force them to fill it up rather than fill up their brood space with honey and get honeybound. *I later noted that while the box was a medium, the frames were shallows making a gap in the bottom. These screw ups are why I have started to also label each frame with the size (S, M, D for shallow, medium and deep respectively) so that I can tell at a glance from the top what the frames are).
I also found a swarm/supercedure cell that now had a flip top lid. This means the queen had extricated herself and should now me running around the hive.

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