I visited the bee yard with two objectives. The first was to place strips of hardware cloth (a wire mesh) into the bottom entrances to keep mice from entering the hives and nesting over the winter. The second was to add feeders to the nucs and Red who I thought needed some extra food to get through Winter.
The hardware cloth went in well. Folding them in half along the long axis made a nice wedge shape that slid in snugly into the entrances and the bees still were able to exit even from the small nuc entrances.
Boardman feeders were added to each nuc and a tub feeder (which has a lid with a mesh covered hole about 1.5 inches in diameter through which the bees can drink syrup when the tub is inverted over the hole in the inner cover) was added to Red. As a side note, it looks like the grease patties are being dispersed into the hives.
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