The bottom brood box had capped and empty brood cells with no eggs to be seen. This got me nervous that the queen might have been trapped above in the super, so I removed the queen excluder. The bees also seemed a little grumpy, but that might have been due to burr comb with brood being broken during the manipulation of the brood box.
Purple once again had bearding in the front and back of the hive. The super had frames half full of mature honey.I also captured a nice picture of the bees rebuilding the comb from where I had cut it out previously in the drone frame.
The bottom deep had bee bread as well as capped and uncapped brood. But there was very little honey. The bees were pretty mellow despite the intrusion.
Green seemed filling up some of the emptied cells in the front of the supers with bee bread (honey mixed with pollen).
Dark Green looked very nice with lots of brood in the top brood box and aggressive drawing out of foundation. Though it did not have a lot of honey there which makes me a little nervous that they may end up with a surge in foragers but nothing to harvest.
Green Nuc did not have much going on in the top brood box. I decided to move up a frame from the lower box to hopefully encourage them to start drawing out the foundation in the top.
Yellow Nuc had one frame in the top brood box filled with brood! I fed both nucs to allow them to draw out the foundation and to start putting away winter reserves. If it gets too crowded in the future I move a frame of brood to Red.
Red had frames added to it and I fed syrup
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