I zipped to my parents' place after work. Along the way I stopped and picked up a frame assembly jig from my mentor and talked a little about the Chittenden County Beekeepers Club meeting that we had both attended the night before and perhaps making a double nuc box for overwintering since my planned supplier was AWOL from all reports.
At my parent's I suited up to move the third hive from the porch to its new home in the beeyard. To lighten the load I took the top cover off, but it was still pretty heavy. While it was only about stone's throw away, the beeyard was down a small steep hill and the grass was wet. Visions of slipping and ending up on my butt with a box of very angry bees in my lap filled my head. But careful foot work and muscles no doubt strengthed by shoveling all the snow this year (and perhaps from carrying BabyD while walking back and forth at 4AM) manged to get the bees to their new home. As I put them down a half dozen did zip out of the entrance and buzz around in a threatening manner. But no harm seemed to have been done to either me or the bees.
I did notice that the nuc box that had been placed at the hive entrance after moving them was empty of bees, so apparently they had taken the hint and crawled into their new home.
Before leaving I borrowed my father's framing gun and compressor. I should be all set for framing up a storm.
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