Sunday, October 21, 2012

2012-08-30: Harvest Countdown

2012-08-30 15.05.32 Getting Ready for Extraction

The plan for the day was to add bee escapes under the supers in Green and Blue.  These escapes are boards with one way exits in them.  If placed between supers and the brood boxes (and all other entrances are removed), the workers will exit the supers and not be able to get back.  My other task was to feed Red and the Nucs as well as to possibly swap frames out of yellow to Red to try to make sure Yellow didn’t get too crowded.

Orange:  Top super full.  I put an escape under it.  The top brood box looked full and capped.  I took 2 frames from Red and swapped with 2 in the top box to make sure there was room since the golden rod was in bloom.

2012-08-30 15.20.27 Getting Ready for Extraction

2012-08-30 15.25.45 Getting Ready for Extraction







2012-08-30 15.47.00 Getting Ready for Extraction

Purple: -

Green: Decided not to try to add escape as

Dark Green: -

Green Nuc: Starting to draw out the top box.  I fed it with sugar syrup.  Noticed a drone being evicted from the front. 2012-08-30 15.52.15 Getting Ready for Extraction2012-08-30 16.18.50 Getting Ready for Extraction

Yellow Nuc: Laying well in top box.  Fed.  May have to remove feeder to make more room for more frames next week.

Blue: Top super has had honey removed in the middle.  I put an escape under the supers and blocked the hole in the inner cover on top of the supers so bees would not come in that way.  They felt heavy so even if some honey had been removed, the other super certainly had some still it in.

I examined the drone frame and the there were some drone larvae, but most of the cells were being filled with honey indicating that drone production was tapering off.  That and the previously noted drone eviction is a sign of the hives preparing for winter.2012-08-30 16.04.17 Getting Ready for Extraction2012-08-30 16.09.43 Getting Ready for Extraction







2012-08-30 15.47.58 Getting Ready for ExtractionRed: Added the 2 frames of honey from Yellow (on the right side of the picture).  Fed.







Yellow: -

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